
How to Save the Mole Tarkov: A Complete Survival Guide

Escape from Tarkov is a game which implies high stakes for every decision a player makes. One of the toughest missions is always rescuing the Mole, probably the most important non-playable character, who also has the capacity to change the course of the game. Here, you’ll find all the relevant information on this mission:

  • Why the Mole needs to be saved.
  • How to do it effectively.
  • What common mistakes to avoid?

From this guide, you will know how to save the Mole and level up your “Escape from Tarkov” game in general.

Why Is Saving the Mole Important in Tarkov?

Save The Mole Tarkov is not only about compliance with a task; the save of the Mole can dramatically influence your experience. The Mole is connected to various quests, and if he dies, the adventurer might miss out on a pile of exp, money and essential storylines. This mission also allows players to practise managing NPCs in the middle of enemy combat.

Moreover, saving the Mole will help with one’s standing with specific factions within the game = better equipment and more important quests in the latter parts of the games. Players often do not understand the importance of these faction reputations; they are the primary driving force behind how smoothly you will move in Tarkov. Succeeding in this mission usually means that you’ll be in a better position to succeed at future activities and can easily transfer to other stressful activities.

The Mole’s mission also brings new mechanics that are not characteristic of most quests to the game. Defending a non-playable character at the same time that other hostile threats are present becomes quite a chore. This is because saving him entails using relevant portions of defence and attack, which also gives a good result in other missions. This mission also brings lessons about strategic choices, cooperation with the team, and choices of the materials used by the forces in the mission. So saving the Mole is not only an ending to the game but far more than that; it is about the compulsory skills to gain to survive in the Tarkov.

What Strategies Can Help Save the Mole Tarkov?

Therefore, tactics are paramount to save the Mole Tarkov. One of the most crucial ones is scouting before the event. This is especially so regarding the map on which the Mole is placed before you attempt the mission. YP: Memorize all locations where sectors are or could be, potential threats may be located, potential encircling, or any door or passage where enemies may materialize from. The planning stage is vital in formulating any mission because once you are involved in the mission and are in the process of finding the Mole, you cannot be – at the same time, searching for the exit route.

From a gameplay strategy point of view, what is very important is the equal distribution of the players. Everyone in a squad should take certain positions. For example, one player should look for a smooth path ahead, another should securely follow from behind, and the third should stick to the Mole. It is also prudent if someone takes a higher-ground position to deal with the enemies before they infringe on the group’s proximity. These roles will guarantee that the working team performs optimally and can respond to threats in one way or another.

Another critical section of this work is discussing communication as a strategy. Since this mission usually entails engagement with the enemy, cross-talk will help avoid complications, and everybody will understand what they need to do at a given time. Moreover, the Mole needs to have someone monitor the situation while others attack the opponents since it will be extremely embarrassing for him to find himself in a dangerous situation. Using some form of a distraction or gimmick like throwing grenades or dropping traps helps keep enemy attention away from the Mole effectively.

When Should You Prioritize Save the Mole Tarkov?

save the mole tarkov
save the mole tarkov

Many things in Tarkov depend on timing, and one needs to know when to focus on the Mole’s task makes sense. There is no specific time for attempting to save the Mole; rather, it is suggested that one should try it when one is well exposed to high demanding pressures and has adequate tools to handle such. Trying to perform the mission when your team is not ready to face it will also lead to failure. What’s more important is to have great arms, enough bullets, and enough first aid kits to prepare you for any challenge playing the video game.

It is also important to evaluate the scene in the game before starting the mission. However, if the game has many players when one joins, it is always better to do so when there are fewer people playing. You want to avoid many players with conflicts of interest who may jeopardize your mission by mistake or deliberately. It is much better to enter the mission area when nobody is playing, for this will lower the entire threat level.

Its use should also be prioritized when you already have good standings in-game factions as needed while developing the Mole’s mission. Your reputation with some factions may give you higher-quality intelligence, equipment, or even reinforcement for the mission. This will make saving the Mole easier because you won’t be involved in an aggressive attempt to balance faction relations and complete this task. As you already know, to make the mission easier to complete and diminish the pressure, you can time it so that there is significant support from the factions.

Why Do Players Struggle to Save the Mole Tarkov?

Even in such a game as Tarkov, most players have issues with saving the Mole for multiple reasons, one of which can be attributed to a need for more understanding of the mission difficulty. While in other quests where players can just run head and guns first where needed, saving the Mole is tactical and strategic. The problem is that the players must pay more attention to their preparations or relate better with the rest of the team. Another reason is that players can inspect other players only instead of NPC, whom they need to defend.

The biggest issue players can have during this mission is controlling the Tarkov AI. They may appear at the right places or behave in a manner that will hearl you strategic planning. The Mole is exposed to formidable forces and bows to pressure, assailing players that put the Mole in harm’s way. The other way is failing because of underestimating the strength or number of the aggressors; this makes players overpowered and meet their match.

Furthermore, players need help finding the correct proportions for how much they would have to preserve the Mole or remove threats. This can lead to players being overly aggressive with the offence, leaving the Mole completely exposed or staying too close to it and missing a chance to snipe the threats before they get close. This is why getting the Mole out is a problem for most players, and that’s why one of the crucial aspects of content in a video game is tactical thinking and decision-making.

What Gear Do You Need to Save the Mole Tarkov?

Selecting the proper clothing for this assignment can distinguish between success and disappointment. Second and foremost, you need proper firearms that are sufficiently stocked with ammo. It is a large amount of work. Well, if you are going to be in close quarters, you’re going to have to shoot people, so shotguns or automatic weapons with a large amount of ammo are probably for the best. Be sure also to carry lots of ammo because, in the middle of a battle, it becomes very detrimental if you run out of bullets, leading to losing the Mole.In this mission, one must wear an armoured vest and helmet, for there will be many enemies to defeat. You’ll also want weapons like a pistol and minigun and equipment like quest items, including medical supplies like medkits, bandages and painkillers. 

This particular mission is gory; you never know when you might get hurt. It is also wise for the Mole to carry grenades with him because he can throw them at the enemies, force them to leave their hiding positions or create a diversion for the Mole to escape from a critical situation.Furthermore, having a backpack with the necessary supplies at the destination is important. This may prove crucial when you realize you’re out of ammo in the middle of a mission due to a long, protracted battle or if your team is low on cover from a hail of bullets. Speaking of special gear, thermal optics or night vision goggles will be a fair advantage, or at least greatly increase the chances of targeting enemies that are harder to notice at night. Proper equipment makes it to where you are ready for anything and has the best chance of rescuing the Mole.

When Is the Best Time to Attempt to Save the Mole Tarkov?

save the mole tarkov
save the mole tarkov

A suitable time to try and rescue the Mole in Tarkov will always be somewhat influenced by one’s state of preparedness and, more critically, the situation which dominates the game at that specific moment. If you and your team have several successful stints in the area where the Mole’s assignment occurs, it is high time you made your play. Doing the same when you fully know the landscape and the places where the enemy may try to ambush you is so much better.

Another factor consists of the server population. While trying to attempt this mission, it will be easier to do so when there are few players around since the more human opponents you encounter, the more likely you will have those who will either interfere with your mission or vie for the same objectives. The runs at night can be beneficial sometimes because there are not many players, but you will need to make sure you and your team are ready to work in the dark, if necessary.

Moreover, you should try this mission when you have enough stock fuel to defend yourself in case of a long battle. It is recommended that both you and your team are well rested, have the proper gear and that there will be effective communication. Approaching these conditions and with these factors present will tremendously increase your chances of success in rescuing the Mole.

Why Is Communication Key to Save the Mole in Tarkov?

It is also important to note that the success in completing the mission of saving the Mole in Tarkov depends much on communication. Because in this mission, actors may have to deal with more than one foe simultaneously, inter-team communication should be as simple as possible. Every member should understand their task; even though some guard Mole, some search for a map or kill opponents. If players fail to communicate effectively, there is always a high risk of the mission getting ruined and the Mole dies.Effective communication also ensures there are fewer cases of shots being fired at the wrong side, which is a thing that often happens in war situations. Whenever many players are on the screen, it is frustrating to start shooting at the team members or the Mole by mistake. 

It maintains communication throughout the game so that no two players are to act in a way that will lead to a costly overtake. Yet, the ability to identify enemy positions, site areas of opportunity, and locate possible ambushes puts the team at a large advantage.It is also important to discuss the Mole’s employment with stingy people. If one controlling the Mole has to stay alert for other players, they must let the rest of the team know if the NPC is in danger or has crossed dangerous territory. It means that, by sharing a common understanding of the organizational culture and terminology, the team will be prepared to provide quick reactions in case of the appearance of threats to the result they want to achieve: save the Mole.

What Are the Common Mistakes When Trying to Save the Mole Tarkov?

Another big mistake players make when canteen saving the Mole in Tarkov is not taking the time to scavenge the area. This mission contains a number of seemingly endangered areas, and a headlong attack without first sizing up the situation can be fatal. Many players also forget to set an exit for the Mole and concentrate on the materials mentioned earlier. That means you can eliminate all the enemies, but if there’s no proper way to extract them, then the mission results in failure.

The other mistake people make is not having the right materials. Often, a lot of emphasis is placed on having highly damaging weapons for the Mole without a second thought for the armour required to keep the Mole alive. Other complications include a lack of medical supplies and ammo or backup ammo during congested combat operations. On the organization’s face, the mission is quite simple, but this is where one would go wrong, thinking it can be easily achieved.

For instance, players’ last mistake is communicating more effectively with their teammates. During the game, players can only think about themselves and do not always remember to look at the team or tell others about the situation with the Mole. When there is no systematic improvement and synergy, the team is likely to disintegrate with the death of the Mole. Nevertheless, avoiding the above mentioned mistakes will significantly improve your odds in this difficult mission.

When Can You Safely Extract After Saving the Mole in Tarkov?

Save the Mole Tarkov
Save the Mole Tarkov

After saving the Mole in Tarkov, the extraction is safe based on whether one eliminates all enemies in the vicinity. Before you try to extract, you should always seek to remove any hints of threats in your Old Bin. This may involve reconnaissance or laying ambush to ensure no one follows you as you head towards the extraction zone. If the extraction is done quickly, the Mole can be killed at the end of the process.The smart move is to remain near the Mole for a few minutes if you don’t see other players or AI enemies coming to get it. Most players become eager to extract and hurry out of the area as soon as possible, but in Tarkov, the enemy might always pop up at any moment. 

Stay low and wait, and do not rush. Take your time to ensure that the area is safe.One also needs to work out the extraction route right from the initial stage of the extraction process. You wish to avoid looking for the nearest door amidst your dangerous foes. Before the mission, you should know the best and quickest path to get the Mole out of the hazardous area. It is possible to avoid a run-in with any hostile characters due to attentive planning and avoid any extra danger after saving the Moles and ending the mission properly.

Why Is Teamwork Essential to Save the Mole Tarkov Successfully?

Group cooperation is completely compulsory when attempting to aid the Mole in Tarkov. This mission is multifaceted and requires multitasking on the player’s part – destroy enemies, defend the Mole, and look for an exit. It is almost mission impossible when you attempt to do it alone because of the high number of forces encountered and the Mole’s vulnerability. These problems are much easier to solve when there is a team with everyone managing the daunting tasks of development instead of one person.

The composer should have a role on the team so that all aspects of the mission will be covered. One player should strive to stick near the Mole while others ought to cover the job of looking forward to the areas ahead and getting rid of any enemies. When you portion tasks, nobody gets clogged, making the mission proceed as planned without hitches. Also, ensuring that you have people covering your back during the firefights goes a long way in keeping the Mole alive.

Cooperation is also required when discussing the locations of enemies, the state of the Mole, and the extraction plans. The collective endeavour is at risk if one team member does not report an incoming adversity. Task awareness means that everybody in the team understands what we are doing and what we are expected to do, especially to save the Mole Tarkov, so timely alterations must be made.


One of the most difficult and interesting operations is Save the Mole Tarkov. If you know why this mission is crucial, which strategies should be used, what equipment is needed, and how often people should communicate, your probability of success will dramatically increase. If done incorrectly, this task is very dangerous, and as noted earlier, mistakes are recommended to be avoided that may lead to explosions. Safely extracting the Mole will seem almost routine in time, becoming one of the main milestones in your further gameplay, earning you a reputation and boosting your in-game abilities.


What is the Mole’s mission in Escape from Tarkov?

One of the original missions within Tarkov consists of safeguarding an important character, the Mole, as he traverses a particularly deadly region. The enemies and other dangers kill the Mole, so players must protect the character from them and the AI opponents. You earn rewards, experience points, experience points for factions, and bonuses for successfully combining the mission and improving faction reputations.

Can you save the Mole Tarkov solo?

Even if the 3 minutes are to attempt to save the Mole, it is much more challenging to do without your comrades. The number of enemies and how the Mole needs to be shielded while attacking a threat makes using teams advisable.

What are the best weapons to use to save the Mole Tarkov?

High-powered weapons with long-range impact are ideal for this mission, and they include shotguns and M16 assault rifles. There must be enough and frequent supplies of bullets to keep your enemies in check while you also have to fend off threats that might jeopardize the Mole.

How do I keep the Mole safe during the mission?

To prevent the Mole from being lost, ensure that you always know his location. Hire one of your workers to protect him and ensure that he does not engage in anything dangerous. To deal with enemy threats, distractions, misdirection, cover, and coordinated attacks can be applied to keep the Mole out of harm’s way.

What happens if the Mole dies during the mission?

The death of the Mole is one of the most important factors that dictate mission failure. This can be something that will hinder you from attending some critical quests and also reduce the mission that must be repeated from the very start in case the Mole dies.

Is communication important for saving the Mole in Tarkov?

Yes, communication is vital when it comes to the efforts used to save the Mole. Communicating with your team ensures that all team members understand what will be required of them, lets them know where enemies are, and allows them to monitor the Mole’s status so that a failure will not happen.

What gear should I bring to save the Mole?

In addition to the arms, take armour plates, helmets, lots of bullets, and first aid kits. A few more tools that can be helpful for distractions or traps against enemies are also recognizable as grenades or other tools that should help distract enemies and provide protection for the Mole.

How can I plan the extraction after saving the Mole?

It would help if you chose the extraction direction before starting a mission. You have fifteen seconds to orient yourself with the map, locate the exits, and check that the area is clear before moving the Mole to the extraction zone. Majorities of the participants pointed out that patience is very important while waiting for the right moment and during the extraction juncture.

Can other players interfere when you’re trying to save the Mole?

Yes, other players in Tarkov can affect the mission in some way or another, either deliberately or casually. This complicates the game’s scenario since you need to defend a particular character not only from virtual artificial intelligence but also from the players.

How do I avoid common mistakes when trying to save the Mole Tarkov?

Common mistakes include failing to properly scout the area, not communicating with teammates, and neglecting to protect the Mole while focusing on enemies. To avoid these, always plan, assign roles within your team, and keep constant communication throughout the mission.

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